Mccoy Ready
Established in 2023, the McCoy College of Business Student Success Center was designed to prepare students for their next step. The McCoy Ready program will help students with the following core attributes:

Ability to confidently do something and do it well. Students are prepared to enter and excel in the workforce.

Valued skills and attributes that employers want. Students will develop employer-identified key skill sets for upcoming hires and professionals..

Develop solutions for complex situations and learn from failure to recover effectively. Students will gain essential critical thinking skills to effectively solve the challenges they face in both personal and professional environments.

Make the most of your resources and skill set by leveraging your abilities. Students can effectively use and identify resources based on their unique skills to maximize strengths and address areas for improvement.

Anticipate problems and challenges in order to effectively execute strategies and increase productivity. Students will assess, analyze, and engage in activities to support their academic, personal, and professional development opportunities.