Texas State Faculty and Staff
Our office provides intentional, holistic assistance to the Texas State McCoy family. We collaborate with various faculty, staff, departments and colleges, and welcome the opportunity to collaborate to serve our students more effectively.

About the Success Center
The McCoy College Student Success Center offers a range of programs for students that include academic, professional, and personal success.
Career and Development Opportunities
Are you interested in providing your students with career resources or professional development opportunities? Learn more about what we have to offer.

Request a Presentation
The McCoy College Student Success Center representatives can present to your students about the wide range of services that we offer. Student will learn more about who we are, what we offer, and how to get engaged.
Please submit your request as soon as possible, so that we can ensure that we can meet your needs.
Have questions?
For questions please contact us by calling 512-245-7010 or by emailing us at mccoysuccess@txstate.edu.